Student Debt In Canada Essay

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The average student debt in Canada is approximately $26,000. Would you be able to afford that amount of debt as a young individual if you do not come from a rich family? In Canada, approximately 40% of students do not pursue post-secondary education due to financial barriers. Therefore, post-secondary education should be free because more educated people will lead to a better society, it currently leaves many people in debt, and would lead to an equal opportunity for all.

Everybody wants to be educated for free after high school and many countries offer it, so why not Canada? If the government takes the advantage to invest in its people, the crime rates would lower significantly. At an average of 1.56% of a homicide rate, 1.94% of attempted murders, 62.85% of sexual assault, and 1190.12% of violent criminal code violations; all reported by Statistics Canada data. These are crime rates (per 100,000 residents) that occur all around Canadian provinces and territories. People will have the opportunity to climb out of their social strata and the society itself will become bigger and better. Only 60% of Canadians attend college/university, and …show more content…

The majority of students in Canada leave university/college with an average of $30,000 - $150,000 worth of debt. Imagine a child with great academic potential but handicapped by his/her family's poor financial state. How will he/she have the ability to afford the tuition required by the universities when he/she barely has enough to eat? If we implement free post-secondary education then students from all financial backgrounds will be treated equally. Free post-secondary education would provide students with more choices for a future career. Well educated students have more advantages to increase their skills and abilities to use new technology and come up with more creative ideas in the real world;

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