Inequalities In Education

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A major challenge in the educational system today is improving the quality of instruction for at-risk students in poverty. The majority of urban schools continue to face inequalities that impact learning and achievement. In both articles, “Use of the Science of What Works to Change the Odds for children At Risk" by Susan Newman and "States Confront the Deepest Pockets of Poverty" by Kathy Christie, both authors attempt to understand why our school systems are failing at-risk students and then propose some examples on how to fix the system with innovative strategies.
Christie provides some specific examples explaining why California is in the situation it is in, including the fact that it contains a “hodgepodge of disconnected programs”. The …show more content…

We need to focus on making sure that our students are provided with valuable outside resources and services that will guide them in their personal lives. “If we’re truly serious about breaking cycles of poverty, inequality, and limited opportunity that place enormous constraints on our nation’s resources, we need to recognize and appropriately support education whether it is delivered in clinics, childcare centers, community-based organizations, libraries, church basements, or storefronts,” (Newman, p. 2). Just by mentoring a student and helping to take away their negative views can help them to achieve their goals. Students need to be nurtured and given hope. Poverty may be viewed as a bump in the road, but it is nothing a resilient child cannot overcome.
Other risk factors such as homes with single parents or less-educated adults are a direct correlation to poverty. We agree with the author that ending the cycle of at-risk students starts with prevention and early intervention programs. Many times the state and federal government do not have the resources to implement these programs in urban communities. Kathy Christie’s article gave awareness into the problems that many school districts face in funding programs designed to serve disadvantaged

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