Persuasive Essay About Year-Round School

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What is the one thing that every kid would hate? Year round schooling. How could year round schooling be beneficial anyway? Year round schooling is disruptive for both teachers, and students. If kids are constantly taking a three week break, then they forget a substantial amount of things they learned before the break. Also, it causes scheduling problems, for example, if a teen wanted a summer job, then they might find that available job times for them are hard to find. Although year round schooling can act as a refresher for many kids, and keep them engaged, schools should not have year round schedules. In addition, year round schedules have 2-3 week breaks, during this time kids might forget some of the things they just learned.If kids learn something and come back after a break to take a test, then they might score poorly because they forgot what they previously learned. Unless kids study over the break, then what their teacher taught them is useless. In text 1, paragraph 2, it states,” It was …show more content…

If kids know that there is a break within sight, then they might try harder and perform better. It was stated in text 1, paragraph 3,”They didn’t have the bored, glazed over looks of the kids who had been in school for weeks, with no breaks in sight.” This also can make the kids more engaged if they aren’t burnt out from going a long time without a break. This makes a teacher's job easier , if all the kids are listening and engaged. But, although these breaks are refreshing, it also refreshes your memory. Teachers would get more upset by teaching something, and immediately having their kids forget it . In text 2, paragraph 5, it states,” Although one of the main reasons for switching to year round schools is to improve student achievement, there is no concrete proof that students improve academically.” If there are no benefits to change to year round school, then why do

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