Say No To Year Round School Essay

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Say NO to Year Round Schools Summer is a time where people have gatherings, goof around, take vacations and spend time with their family. Many students are used to having two week winter break, one week spring break, and three months of summer break. Changing this traditional format could lead to negative effects for many students, educators,and families. A balanced school year would not have enough benefits to change schedule.
One reason why there shouldn't be year round school is because kids have a lack of free time. Therefore, they wouldn't have a summer break or other breaks which means they couldn't hang out with family like what kids would normally do. Another reason why they would have a lack of free time is because they would be worrying …show more content…

For example, they wouldn't be able to to spend their holidays, family gatherings and vacations like they used to. They would be taking there time just to make a whole different schedule for the family gatherings. Not only would they be taking there time but they would also have anxiety because they would be worrying to much about school and not about family. Which means year round school would be very tough for teens, teachers, kids and other people out there.

Although, year round school wouldn’t be just a bad thing. For example, shorter summer breaks may decrease the amount of learning students lose. It can also mean that students are less likely to have summer learning loss. Also, students test scores lower after summer break. Therefore, some people get free or reduced meals but in the summer they wouldn’t get that. Shorter breaks would cause a hard time to find childcare and to pay childcare.
In conclusion, it is a bad idea to have year round schooling, as you can see there are many disagrees on year round schooling. We shouldn't have school year round because that takes away our time and it messes with our regional routine. Therefore we would have to change everything as in our plans just to be in year round

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