American Screen Time: A Personal Perspective

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Did you know that statistics show that the average American spends 40 hours a week watching TV (Chambers, 2015)? Some Americans spent 121 billion minutes a month on social media. Those numbers are astonishing. Before starting college, I may have heard TV that much, at least, yet was too active to sit while listening to watch it. As for Facebook, I was active, possibly not that much, but some of my friends thought I died because I no longer have time to write my daily comic novels in the life of Rhondaism's, as they refer to it; or sadly even say hi.

As a single mother of a very active boy, it's very hard to find the time to devote all that I need in college, life in general; and much less to friends. I listen to my lectures while …show more content…

It appears the higher education you foresee, the more your skills must be refined to succeed. Did you know time management is one of the qualifications a graduate school looks at before awarding a scholarship (Whorley, M. R., & Addis, M. E., 2007)? When in graduate school students should use time wisely to succeed. Some do a so-so job by realizing one cannot learn it all. Whereas others forget they have friends and a social life, their social life becomes null and void. Others sacrifice their own well-being, all by becoming so entirely focused on the demands of school. These demands make me worry about myself by not sleeping and if this makes sense not eating. I forget to eat and have passed out from this type behavior. I want my academic journey to take me beyond my associates, as we all do. My bachelor's maybe even a further goal; yet not to the point I no longer have friends to share my success with or worse, and I'm dead. Thus, when this article stated the sacrifice of well-being I understood tenfold; I have some work to do it appears, after all, I'm not as good at time management as I

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