Why Do Children Have Too Much Screen Time

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In today’s society, many children are having too much “screen time,” such as watching television and playing video games. Many individuals are wanting to ban handheld devices for children under the age of 12. Having too much screen time can have a negative impact on a child’s cognitive and physical development. Some of these include deficit disorders and unable to fully control their emotions.

Having a set schedule when your children can be on their electronics would help reduce their screen time every day. It would be easier to keep track of how long they would be on their electronics at once. If the children see the schedule of screen time they had during the week, the children might refrain from having screen time. Seeing how often they had screen time might reduce the amount of screen time they want to have. The children might resort

How much screen time is healthy for children? Tech Advisor gives these tips: …show more content…

The US Department of Health commends that children who are under the age of two shouldn’t have any screen time at all. It’s essential to establish screen time rules, such as how long the child can be in front of the electronic. Parents could get an app on their electronic that shuts the electronic off after a certain amount of time. If a child has too much screen time when they are younger, they may become “addicted” to watching television all of the time when they are bored. In addition, it is important that children are kept away from screens or it may have an effect on their educational development. Having an electronic in front of your face at night may cause sleep disruption (Tech Advisor, 16

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