Personal Narrative: The Beach

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The Beach A sunburn was inventible in this heat. The rays of the sun were beaming on my legs and face, and it felt like I was sitting in an oven. I still attempted to prevent a sunburn by layering gallons of sunscreen on my body and face. I let a bottle of water down my throat and it was refreshing just like after a taking a shower. The sand was as soft as cotton but also hot like a burning stove. The water was blue as you looked farther into the water. Despite the heat, it was a beautiful day. Nearby there were people playing volleyball, building sand castles, and swimming. It was packed like a suitcase. People were buoyant and were enjoying this sunny day. Sand was in between my toes and resting in my hair. The familiar song of an ice-cream truck was steadily making its way towards me. I raced to the car to scrap some change together and by the time I got it the ice-cream truck was here. I bought a …show more content…

My cousin coerced me into getting into the water. I could see my toes as I stood in about a foot deep into the water. It was cold as ice at first but after a minute I was acclimated to it. A wave hurdled over me. As I raised my head above the water I used my strength and walked away from the tide hauling me into the Gulf of Mexico. I spit water from my mouth with revulsion. The taste of the water abated over time, and I did my best to not get more water in my mouth again. Something slimy brushed behind my back. As I looked over my shoulder I noticed it was just seaweed and I suddenly made a sigh of relief. I grasped it and threw it miles away from me. Well, I threw it as far as I could at least. My back laid on the water and birds were chirping above me. A wave tipped me off my back and quelled my peaceful moment. I had seen a car as I was walking back to shore that I didn’t recognize. I had set up a tent was a few cars down to the left of the car. The tide must have stirred me while I was in the

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