Personal Narrative: Not All Superheroes Wear Capes

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Not All Superheroes Wear Capes I look up to my father, not only because he is six feet, three inches, but also because he is such a motivating, respectful, and caring individual. If someone were to ask me to use one word to describe my dad, I would instantly respond with: my hero. My dad, Kevin, is the most courageous man I have ever met. I aspire to eventually gain all my dad’s endearing qualities. My dad has been through some really difficult struggles throughout his forty-seven years of life and has never once shown a sign of weakness to my sisters or me. I admire him for all of his hard work every day. As I was staring into the peaceful blue sky, listening to my Britney Spears music on my purple iPod Nano, riding to see relatives in Iowa, the aroma of cigarette smoke wafted back to my seat. My head started to feel like there was an electric pain behind my eyes, making me want to vomit. I always get nauseous from the stench of cigarettes. With my whiny voice, I started complaining to my dad. I express to him that he is hurting himself and that he is making me sick. That was the last cancer stick my dad ever had. After twenty-five years of smoking, at that moment my dad quit for good. Personally, I do not know the struggles of quitting smoking, but I have heard how hard it is to quit. He did it though, not …show more content…

About four years ago, I was packed in the backseat with my younger sisters, with my parents in the front seats. We were on the interstate heading to eat at Fuji and my mom says that they have something serious to talk to us about. The first thoughts that run through my juvenile mind is that there was a death, or that my parents were getting a divorce. There was a long, uncanny silence, when my dad, being the jokester he is, makes a joke that incorporates the fact that he has colon cancer. Not even at one of the toughest moments of his life did he show that he was in

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