Health Behavior Paper on Smoking

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The health behavior that I wished to improve on during this semester is to stop smoking. I picked up my first cigarette when I was eighteen and unfortunately I haven’t been able to put one down until I took this class. In my country a lot of people smoked cigarettes and I didn’t think that there was anything wrong with smoking or that smoking caused any harm to your body. In my country they don’t advertise cigarettes as being harmful like they do in America. When I moved here I noticed a lot of advertising against smoking cigarettes. In the advertisements on billboards and TV commercials there were women and men who had been affected by cigarette smoking. One advertisement had a woman who didn’t have toes because of smoking and a man didn’t have legs because of smoking. One person had died but had never smoked a day in his life he died from second hand smoke. After watching that it scared me and it made me think about my smoking and it made me want to attempt to quit smoking. When I saw my friends smoking and while I was smoking I thought of those people in the commercials and how easily me my friends could become just like those people in the commercials.
I was fearful that a smoking-related disease would catch up with me before I found a way to quit smoking. I’ve been smoking for three years now and I have already noticed health effects that it has had on my body. I started noticing my teeth turning yellow and my gums looking bad. I hated the smoker's cough and shortness of breath I had developed. I do not want to develop any other health side effects because of my smoking. I want to improve my life and live a long and happy life smoke free. I don’t want to be addicted to cigarettes anymore. That is why the health behavior tha...

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...te goal; to live a long and happy life smoke free.
In conclusion the health behavior that I wished to improve on during this semester is to stop smoking. Once I quit I will no longer be fearful that a smoking-related disease would catch up with me before I found a way to quit smoking. I won’t have to worry about any more negative health effects on my body. I will improve my life and live a long and happy life smoke free. I will not be addicted to cigarettes anymore. As long as I follow the goals that I have set for myself and gain support from my friends and family I will be able to finally smoke my last cigarette and will be able to finally say that I am no longer a smoker. I will also be able to save more money that can go towards my college fund here at WKU. That is why the health behavior that I wished to improve on this semester is to stop smoking permanently.

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