Personal Narrative: My Plane For A Baby

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“Sure we will take three bags of peanuts” said my mom to the nice flight attendant. My family and I were on a tiny airplane when I was just a baby. As I have been told, I have always been very good on long trips. However something about this tiny plane did not settle well with me and a series of events happened. My family and I were flying to Yellowstone National Park for a family reunion. We were flying from New York City to Jackson Hole WY. As I said this was a tiny, boarder line old plane, so that meant that if I were to cry the whole plane could hear. Now this was not my first plane ride as a baby, however this was especially an unforgettable flight. As you can imagine that was a long flight for a baby. During the decent down to Jackson …show more content…

“Wahh!” I sobbed. I was crying so loud it was like a too dinosaurs were fighting right in the plane. Dad decided to give me a huge rainbow lolly pop to calm my nerves. However, I was so enraged not even a lolly pop could ease me. I grabbed the Lolly pop from my Dad’s hand, licked it, and threw the wet Lolly pop in the hair of the lady sitting in front of me. The lady (who I will now refer to as Frizzy) turned around with the meanest most vile look on her face. According to my parents the whole plane got dead silence. Frizzy stared at my parents and I and ripped the sticky sucker out of her frizzy red hair. With out hesitation. Substantial globs of hair were covered all over the Lolly pop. Frizzy with a straight face and no sign of pain on her body handed the hairy Lolly pop back to my Dad. The Lolly pop was so harry it was like a cat’s hairball. My Mom and my Dad were way more embarrasses then me at the time. My Dad tried to offer Frizzy money, maybe for a new hair cut but Frizzy refused. Frizzy turned right back around and my whole family was silent for the rest of the plane ride. Overall, a stressful plane ride is never the way to start a nice relaxing vacation. I sometimes feel bad for my actions, but, I was only a baby and that was years ago. Plus, I don’t even think that this story was the most embarrassing thing that happened to me in Yellowstone. I’m not even going to tell you what happened on the plane ride back. In conclusion, if you are ever surrounded by an annoying baby just remember that you were a crying baby once. Also, it is important to feel thankful that you do not have a huge, rainbow, wet Lolly pop in your

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