Personal Narrative: My Mommy Diaper Bag

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When I was younger, I would visit my aunt and cousins. My aunt was all about family, so we had a lot of outings together. It was not unheard of for us to all pack in the mom van and go on a day trip. No matter what crazy shenanigan happened, she was always ready. Ripped shirt, missing sock, explosive butt... you name it and she was able to reach in that magic bag and solve it. I remember thinking "man, I always want to be that prepared." Read my about me page and you'll understand why the younger me actually cared about that kind of thing Fast forward to the present and I now have my own "magic bag" called my diaper bag. Today I'll share with you my number one go to! It is my Mommy Diaper Bag. I’ll fill you in on what’s in the bag and a supply list so you can always be prepared too. Don't forget to check out my other article especially for dad on the Daddy Diaper Bag. I'll be sure to update you as the little one gets older with any necessary changes or additions. …show more content…

Now the first bag I got was the classic over the shoulder. It was a great bag and I loved all its pockets. However what I quickly discovered was this was not ideal when traveling with little one alone which of course happens all the time. That's when I discovered this awesome Diaper Bag Backpack. It also has a bunch of pockets to keep things organized but most importantly I can just throw it over my shoulders and keep moving. Love

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