Cognitive And Psychosocial Development Essay

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Physical, Cognitive, and Psychosocial Development From the very beginning of our life, from conception until death we grow in many ways. We grow physically, cognitively, and socially but which of these is more important? Physical development, cognitive development, or psychosocial development they are all intertwined and are based upon each other. An issue with physical development can cause serious detrimental effects on both cognitive development and psychosocial development. For example; a child who is born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome will not only have physical malformations but also cognitive delays and this in turn can lead to psychosocial delays. Physical development is the most important for the first few years of life as well as cognitive …show more content…

Fertilization occurs when the sperm from the male and the ovum from the female combine to create a zygote. The zygote will then go through a gestational period which consists of three different stages. The first stage is the germinal stage and it starts from conception and ends at two weeks, during this stage the zygote divides and becomes much more complex and then implants into the uterine wall where it will then go on to the second stage. The second stage is the embryonic stage, this stage starts at two weeks and ends at eight weeks. During the embryonic stage the zygote has become an embryo and the organs and major body systems form and develop very rapidly. This is one of the most critical periods for physical development, the embryo is very sensitive to many different types of influences. The third and final stage of the gestational period is the fetal stage, this stage starts at eight weeks and ends at birth. During this stage the fetus grows approximately twenty times its previous length and the organs and body systems continue to develop becoming more complex and becomes ready for survival outside of the womb. Children grow the fastest during the first three years of their life, and they will never grow this rapidly again. As the child grows the child will go through various stages of physical development such as puberty and sexual maturity. After the first few …show more content…

Cognitive development refers to how a person perceives, thinks, and gains understanding of their world. The areas of cognitive development consist of information processing, intelligence, reasoning, language development, and memory. Infants are born with the ability to learn by sight, taste, sound, and touch and will explore their world with these newfound abilities. This lays the major foundation for cognitive development, if the infant is unable to learn with these senses there can be delays in the learning. Sometime the delays can be caused by physical abnormalities such as blindness, deafness, being mute, or even being born without limbs. Children learn in various ways and do not have to rely on these senses per say but because theses senses play a very large role in the development of cognitive abilities, there can be small delays or even very large delays that can cause issues throughout the entire life span. There are milestones in which to look out for during cognitive development generally by four months the child should be able to explore objects with their fingers, hands, and toes, recognize the bottle or breast, turn head toward bright colors and lights, smile responsively, and should be able to recognize parents. By about eight months the child should then be able to uncover hidden toys,

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