Personal Narrative: I Believe In Forgiveness

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This I Believe I believe in forgiveness. To better myself and to make closure with those who have hurt me in unforgiving ways, I will do what seems impossible; I will forgive. I often wonder what goes through ones head when they make fun of others, what the appeal is in another's sadness. I wonder how one can leave marks on another and seem content with their actions. Even more so, I wonder how it was at all possible to forgive such actions. But I guess I have known that answer my whole life because I've been living it, I just hadn't realized it yet. I remember a time when I was in eighth grade. I was sitting in my room on the floor doing some homework, headphones on, listening to some jams to keep me focused. I always find it more …show more content…

My family is a group of proud pranksters and when it comes to each other, we're a ruthless bunch. But that was the day they took it too far. My family, minus myself, were out doing yard work, digging up weeds and pulling out strips of dead grass to replace. Being the notorious pranksters they are, they decided to send my brother in to bring my a surprise. Now, surprise does not always mean some awesome gift and this was one of those surprises. At this point I'm completely absorbed in my work because not an ounce of focus can be taken away while doing math. As I'm writing, I feel something cold, slimy, and wiggling plop onto my left shoulder. I know exactly what has landed on me. A worm. I disgusting, terrible, awful worm. On my bare skin. My pupils dilated and anxiety swelled through my whole body like a raging fire through the woods in a dry summer, instant and engulfing. Fear consumed me and I started screaming and crying all at once. I didn't move a single muscle, I was paralyzed with the knowledge of the creature claiming my shoulder as its own territory. My brother was scared by my …show more content…

They knew I was afraid of worms but pulled a stunt like that anyway. It may seem like a silly story. 'A girl who's afraid of worms gets pranked!' I could see the humor in that! If it weren't worms. I hated my family after the events. I truly despised them to the point where I wouldn't have to see them for days at a time. I refused to speak to any of them for three whole weeks. I hardly left my room because I didn't want to be anywhere near

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