Personal Narrative Essay

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"Favorite food!" Sam pounces the question at me from behind, as we balance along a beam on the North Light park. "Goldfish is my favorite snack, Mac'n'cheese is my back up, and nachos is my favorite food. Favorite Candy?" I throw out my arms for balance, trying to place one foot in front of the other without falling. "Twizzlers. You?" Sam's voice is strained, and I can hear his patter of feet getting slower. Haha, the benefits of having small and narrow feet. "Twix bars." I jump off the balance beam and run to the swings. I hear Sam follow me. I think it's safe to say this has been one of the best dates of my life. Sam and I decided to talk with accents through the entire dinner, and afterwards came to the park asking every question that …show more content…

Sam stands by the pole of the swing set, watching me fly past him back and forth. The smile growing on my face as the wind swishes my hair. When you're on a swing, you feel like you're back in the 5th grade, when all that mattered was what grade you got on the spelling test, and who your crush was. I lived for 5th grade. I get up high enough on the swing, and use all my force to jump off, flying momentarily. It's easily one of the best things in life. I put my feet so they are ready to run when I land on the ground, and suddenly the slam of the earth hits my legs, and I start running. Way too soon I landed, way too soon I had to run. That's the only thing you can do though. Is keep running. But I stop, and turn to face a smiling Sam. "Jealous you can't do that?!" I say through my heavy breathing. Flying really takes the wind out of you. "Oh yeah, totally. You know my life goal was to be able to land after jumping off a swing. I might just have to kill you because you can do it and I can't. Or maybe worship you and be your man slave." "I like option 2!" I hold up two fingers, and smile as Sam comes closer to me. Really close. Wow ok, he is about 2 feet away, which may sound far away, but it's really not. He looks into my eyes, and I can smell him. Alright, now that I can smell him, it makes up for me being uncomfortable. His breathe barely hits my neck, and it was really …show more content…

We probably should get going, it's like 10:45. "That was totally lame you know." I say, a smile playing on my lips. Well its true. What are we? Every teenage romance movie ever? "Well if you don't want it, then." Sam is about to reach for it, but I stop him. "Hey woah woah woah, I never said that! I want it! It was just cheesy." I smile up at him. "But seriously, this is mine now." He laughs when I hug his jacket to me. It's the most comfy thing, oh my gosh. It's fuzzy on the inside, and it smells like Sam. Which is kind of like a manly but sweet kind of smell. The kind that makes you feel safe, yet you know your having fun. That sounds really complicated, but it's the simplest smell ever. "Do you like my jacket?" Sam innocently asks me, and I look up at his face. His face, which is struggling not to laugh. I look down at myself, and I realize why. I kinda look like I'm trying to be one with his jacket. Like I'm trying to make his jacket part of my skin. Basically, like I'm a freaking psychopath. "Just a bit." I reply shyly as we approach his car. I reluctantly remove my arm from pressing his jacket into my body, to open the car door. Except he beats me to

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