Personal Narrative Essay

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There are a lot of things that I get engaged into easily. One of the things I get engaged in is sports, whenever I am playing sports I get super engaged and all I can think about is the game. Sports captivate me because I find them really fun and I am also super competitive and you have to be competitive to play sports and be good at them. Usually when I need help or something for a sport I ask my dad or one of my coaches. Another thing that I get really engaged in is video games. I love playing video games I think they are really fun and I would play them all day if I could. I love video games because some of the really fun ones are addicting and whenever i’m playing and doing good in the game I just want to keep playing. Also, whenever I do school projects I think they are really fun and when I start doing one I try to finish it on the same day and I try to make it look really good so I can get a good grade on a project. I like projects a lot because you don’t get to do them very much …show more content…

I say all of these things about school but I shouldn’t be saying these things because school means a lot more to kids than they realize. If I get bad grades I usually get in trouble because my parents want me to have an outstanding future and they want me to do good in school so I can go to a great college and get a great job. My grades are usually good but there was one year when I had a bad grade and I got in trouble. I was very disappointed in myself. I was disappointed because I knew i was trying my hardest in that class. So I started to try in it and I started getting good grades and I excelled my grade and in one week I had already had a good grade in that class again and I was very proud of myself. Now I try hard in my classes so I can get into a good college and have a brighter future for myself and my family. That is one thing I had a problem with and that’s how I helped improve the

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