Persuasive Essay About Surviving School

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Have you ever had a problems surviving school? Many students have had a hard time surviving school. One reason why students have a hard time surviving school is they have a difficulty fitting. Children are under so much stress sometimes, and school can be difficult for students. Children can also have a very busy schedule, and they are trying to balance a sport and school at the exact same time. Many children think school is stupid, but later in life they will look back and realize how much school helped them. They may not like it right now ,but later in life school can help them get great jobs and have a successful life. School can be one of the hardest time in a child life. The best way to overcome school is to think positive,work hard, …show more content…

Students who find crafty ways to manage time and school work. Student who manage time feel less under stress about school and anything they have going on after school. When getting started on a project, students should always work ahead and not wait tell the last minute to start. Make sure the student has a list on what he or she is doing that week to make it easier to plan. Students should use a planner to write down all work that you have to make sure you don't forget anything. Student who are crafty with their time will not turn anything in late ,and all their work will be turn in on time. Crafty students are people who think outside of the box and come up with new ideas. School is busy for most students ,and students who come up with ideas to manage their time will do well in school. Student who learn how to balance their time more effectively will have an easier time in school, and will enjoy after school activity more because they are under less stress from school. Crafty students should always take their hardest task first to get it out of the way. This makes it so much easier because you got the hardest thing out of the way. Students who deal with time management problems need to always have homework with them just in case if they run into any free time. When a student set up time to study, he or she will have an easier time studying and getting work done. Student who are crafty find a way to make school easier for

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