Personal Leadership Philosophy: Developing A Philosophy Of Leadership

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Developing a Philosophy of Leadership
Katie Sneeringer
Penn State College of Medicine

Leadership Philosophy A personal leadership philosophy is essential to effective leadership. By definition, philosophy is “a set of ideas of how to do something or how to live; the most basic beliefs, concepts, and attitudes of an individual or group” (“Philosophy,” 2016). Thus, defining a leadership philosophy is fundamental in order to provide a solid foundation on which an individual will base his or her actions over time. To successfully define a personal leadership philosophy, one must critically reflect upon personal values, assumptions, and beliefs as they relate to leadership. This self-reflection will draw upon personal experiences …show more content…

Although one of the newer leadership theories still in development, authentic leadership is something I find to be demonstrated by many of the leaders I look up to. Authentic leadership is quite complex, but the practical definition developed by Bill George is relatable to many leaders, including myself. George defined the five basic characteristics of authentic leaders including compassion, consistency, connectedness, behavior, and passion (Northouse, 2016). Passion is more than simply identifying and pursuing a goal or purpose, but being truly interested and invested in the work being done. This is something I strive to exemplify through my own leadership …show more content…

It is prudent to examine both an individual’s definition of leadership as well as when this definition of leadership is first understood. I define leadership as a complex interaction between leaders and follows that consists of setting a positive example for followers while fostering an environment of respect, all while working towards a specific goal. The leader is not necessarily the person with the highest title, or the person making all the decisions. It is essential to understand that leadership occurs within the minutia of every day life. This definition has been shaped through both positive and negative personal experiences in

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