Negative Side Of Stress Essay

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In today’s world stress is an everlasting challenge, with the everyday rush of life it is hard to relax and take control of stress. It is not healthy to be stressful, it increases blood pressure and can lead to heart attacks if not controlled in the proper way. There are a lot of symptoms of stress that can take your life in the wrong direction. If you have a stressful lifestyle there are indicators of unhealthy stress that you should be aware of.
Seeing Only The Negative Side Of Life
When it comes to stress this also can lead to a person that only focuses on the negative and never see’s the positive side of life. Negativity is the leading cause of anger and frustration and the inability to relax.
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When you can’t focus on the positive and only the negative this is a sure sign of negative stress.
Constantly Worrying
If you are always worrying about upcoming situations or events this can be a symptom of unhealthy stress. We all worry in life, but if there becomes a saturation of worry this is when we should evaluate ourselves, and what is causing the worry.
Normal worry is OK, for example, worrying about your kids when they are on their first sleep over. Unnatural worry is obsessive worry, for example always worrying about others and what they think of you or always feeling like nobody wants to involve themselves with you. This is unnatural worry and is very unhealthy it can be caused by an overload of stress.
Work and relationships are the #1 overstress that cause worry in …show more content…

decision making should be natural, and yes we all make mistakes, but to be creating a lot of mistakes in a short period of time is not natural and needs to be addressed. Try to evaluate your decisions and learn from mistakes do not dwell on bad decisions this is what leads to negative stress.
Depression Or General Unhappiness
If you are sad, angry, or just plain unhappy in an obsessive way this can be a sign of high negative stress in you life. Depression is a force that many of us have to deal with and can be directly related to the major stress’s in you life.
Life is too short, as we all have heard a lot, and to be unhappy and depressed is not at all healthy. Stress magnifies this and causes your emotions to fluctuate, becoming unbalanced. A humans natural defense to depression is to release endorphins and when stress gets in the way these natural solutions are blocked.
It is hard to control your stress levels but is necessary. To fight against depression we need to learn how to handle stress first and then we can look into handling depression. If your stress levels are decreased your defense mechanisms will begin to function normally, and over time your body will naturally be

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