My Writing Experience

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My first encounter with literature was unexpected. Spending five years in elementary school, I never showed much interest in small readings and poems that were assigned in class. As a matter of fact, having to memorize and analyze literary works that I did not like was a boring, mentally arduous process to me. “In desert and wilderness” by Henryk Sienkiewicz, however, changed my perspective towards both reading and writing in general.
While waiting for my cousin to buy his books before taking me to a new restaurant near home, I roved around the bookstore when Henryk Sienkiewicz’s “In desert and wilderness” suddenly popped into my eyes. I was never the kind to read thick books, yet somehow I chose to give it a try and such decision changed my life. After finishing the book, a whole new world opened in front of me: a world of imagination, emotions and knowledge, all seen through words. From then on, my fascination for reading remained solid and I continued to try other famous works around the world. …show more content…

Because I was able to approach profound as well as thought-provoking literary pieces that I am fond of, writing an essay to articulate what I thought was not as hard as before. In reality, I took great pleasure in understanding and analyzing Vietnamese literature and other notable works. Final literature exams, which required students to write an essay in about three or more pages expressing thoughts on a literary piece in fifty minutes, hence, was not so high of a wall for me anymore. After all, those classes about how to organize your essays at school did leave a positive

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