Most Meaningful Christian Values

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In my opinion the most meaningful Christian value is compassion because it encourages us to sympathize with others. As human beings this can be challenging since we often only think about ourselves and fail to consider the way other people feel. However, if we lived in a world where everyone was compassionate towards one another, there would be a greater sense of love and peace instead of the violence, neglect and hate that we see so often in the world today. Just by tuning into the news or even looking at my own community, I notice many ways in which the value of compassion is being violated. On a global scale, American and Canadian troops have killed thousands of civilians in countries such as Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan. Rather than promoting peace, our own …show more content…

Not to mention, there is the attack on Palestine by Israel. Rather than showing compassion for its neighbour, Israel has murdered thousands of people including children and even entire families, while the Western world shows a lack of compassion by turning a blind eye. While these situations seem out of our hands, there is still a lot we can do to show compassion, such as educating ourselves and others on these issues, keeping up with global news rather than just what is happening in our own lives, donating to charities that help those in developing countries, or perhaps even lobbying governments. Just by understanding the lack of compassion that exists around the world and trying to make small changes, we can make a big difference. Of course getting involved with global issues comes with many personal costs. Many people have opposing views and you can be persecuted for what you say. However in the end, standing up for justice is one of the greatest acts of compassion because it shows that you care about the world around

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