Persuasive Essay On Nobel Peace By Elie Wiesel

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Is it wrong of the public to stop what they are doing and rush to aid those in need, or is it more sensible to think of oneself for the sake of self preservation? Nobel Peace Prize-winning author and survivor of WWII, Elie Wiesel, stated in his acceptance speech, “When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Wherever men or women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must-at that moment- become the center of the universe.” For centuries that have come and gone, the human race has always been at the center of conflict. Whether it be the Hundred Years’ war, the American Revolution, or WWII, the human race have, and always will, fight for what they believe to be true ;however, those …show more content…

With recent attacks by terrorist organizations, a war that is a spark away from igniting, and the fear that is generated because of these incidents, it seems that ,in the words of elie wiesel, the whole world is at the “center of the universe.”As a young adult faced with all these conflicts, it is my belief that every everyone deserves the help of another at some point. Although my life to this point has been short, I have managed to witness several events where the need for self sacrifice was called for at one point for the sake of another. On November 13, 2015, Paris experienced widespread panic as several locations were targeted by terrorist organization ISIS. Several people were injured or killed ;however, the resulting uneasiness that settled into the minds of the citizens as the events unfolded was worse. When the attacks passed, it appeared that the world had shined a spotlight on France. Various nation paid their respects and did what they could to alleviate their woes. These simple acts of kindness demonstrate that when human life is endangered, we have the power to band together to fight for our fellow

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