Medea Via Neumann

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In The Great Mother, Erich Neumann attempts to provide a structural analysis of the archetype. He states in the preface that not only does it "provide the foundation for all psychotherapy," it also provides for each man a view of the world that "enriches his own personality" as well as his "new perspective on life and on mankind as a whole." When referring to an archetype, Neumann refers to "an inward image at work in the human psyche." By examining the separate aspects of the archetype, one can approach a more thorough understanding of the archetype and, finally, the implications of its structure and its appearances in the real world. Three main components play a part in the realization of the archetype. First of these, the dynamic component, is the effect of the archetype. This effect is "manifested in energetic processes within the psyche." Whether it remains unconscious or "grips" the conscious, every mood, positive or negative, manic or depressive, is an expression of the dynamic effect of the archetype. The dynamic action of the archetype "extends beyond unconscious instinct and continues to operate as an unconscious will that determines the personality." It not only has a "decisive influence" on the mood, but also the inclinations and tendencies of the personality, and "ultimately on it's conceptions, intentions, interests, on consciousness and the specific direction of the mind." Secondly, the symbolism of the archetype occurs when the activity of the unconscious manifests itself in "specific psychic images." Each archetype, when confronted with consciousness, is perceived in a symbolic form or image separate from the image of any other archetype. For example, the Great Mother archetype will have a dif... ... middle of paper ... ... knowing the ironic truth, and when he asks her why, she replies, "I'm their mother." She grieves for what she will lose in seeing them grow up, seeing them "[become] prosperous. I shall never see your brides, adorn your bridal beds, and hold the torches high." Through all this it is evident that the loving aspect of the Great Mother is still present in the drama. Though this loving characteristic is present, it is the persuasive and manipulative facet of Medea that is most important in terms of plot. If Medea had not been so able to persuade the other characters, then she would not have been able to stay in Corinth for the day it took her to carry out her plan, and would not have had a refuge in Athens. Thus, the Great Mother's manipulative aspect was the propelling factor in Medea and all else sprung from the effects of this manifestation of the Great Mother.

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