Major Strengths Of My Interpersonal Skills In Modern Society

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My Interpersonal Skills In modern society, communication skills are a very important facet. Communication is the interpretation produced by the messages being sent out or received (Adler, Rosenfield, & Proctor II, p.9). It allows us to connect with others through face-to-face interactions and social media. I believe that interpersonal communication comes naturally to everyone, whether is it through verbal or nonverbal actions. However, there are different kinds of communication in which people have trouble with, but it is something that they can improve on through practice. Like everyone else, I have my own strengths and weaknesses when expressing myself and communicating to others. Before I discuss about my major weakness, I would like to explain two elements of communication that is related to it: communication competence and self-monitoring. Communication competence is the use of …show more content…

During the couple conversations I had with my friend, I realized the nonverbal messages I was giving off did not match with how I intended it to be. In one of those conversations, he was telling me why he could not go to the driving range with me in the previous week. I was trying to focus on what he was saying, and I thought the facial expression I gave off showed me trying to be a good listener. However, my friend took it as if I thought his excuse was a lie. I figured that out when he started repeating what he mentioned and kept saying “that really happened”. It made the situation uncomfortable and I noticed he did not want to prolong the conversation. This illustrates why I believe face-to-face interactions is a major weakness. It left us both unsatisfied which is the result of deficient communication competence (Adler, Rosenfield, & Proctor, 2015). After we departed, I kept thinking about the dissatisfaction for a long while and it affected my future interactions with

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