Lying On The Sidewalk Creative Writing

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The boy was just lying on the sidewalk. He looked like he was in excruciating pain. He looked like he was dying. It was raining, and I was terrified. Freddie and I wanted to help, but he was a Royal. The Guardians would have found us if we had helped him. Freddie and I decided to leave him. I kept wishing that the boy would be alright. I felt guilty for leaving him. However, we didn’t want to get ambushed. Freddie took me home and told me everything would be alright. The next day, I woke up thinking about the boy. I had a dream about him. I saw his blood being washed away in the rain. I saw the wide gap in his flesh. I woke up shaking with my heart pounding very fast. I decided to call Laura and tell her everything that had happened. Laura …show more content…

There, he kissed me and told me he loved me. Then, we heard a grunt. Freddie went to check what the noise was, and there was a boy lying on the sidewalk. He was hurt and bleeding. It looked like a knife had been drawn across his body. He was part of the Royals. We wanted to help, but we thought the Guardians would have come after us. The Royals and Guardians are rivals, right? So, we left him, and now I feel very guilty. After I finished telling her the story, Laura looked furious. Her face turned red, and her eyes were full of hatred. I had no idea why. “How could you leave him?” she yelled. “Do you know who he was? That was my boyfriend, Andy. How could you leave him? He is now dead because you and Freddie didn’t help him. We were going to get married one day and have a lot of kids. We were going to move somewhere nice. Now we can’t because he is dead!” I was shocked. My eyes filled with tears. I didn’t know that the boy was Laura’s boyfriend. I was supposed to meet her boyfriend at a party a week before the incident, but I got very ill. I didn’t go to the party. I didn’t get the chance to get to know him. I was thinking that Laura hated me. She didn’t want to be my friend anymore. I left the person that Laura loved to die in the …show more content…

I had no clue that he was your boyfriend. But you have to understand that if we decided to help me, Freddie and I would have been attacked by the Guardians. Please understand,” I begged. “Just get out of my house, Angela. I am very upset and you aren’t making the situation better. Just go and don’t call me,” said Laura, as I was bawling my eyes out. I cried all the way back to my house. I repeatedly asked myself why hadn’t Freddie and I helped the boy. I lost my best friend because we didn’t help her love. I knew that I was going to live with guilt for the rest of my life. I knew that Laura would never forgive me. She hated me with all she had. Eight years have passed. Freddie and I are in love. I still remember our first date like it was yesterday. I remember the incident that led to Laura not being in my life for eight years. The word on the street was that she moved to away to a nice neighborhood in Staten Island. I’m not sure if she was able to love anyone again. I always wonder what would have happened if we had called the cops. Would the Guardians have attacked us? Would Laura and I still be friends to this day? Would she have married the boy she loved? Unfortunately, I will never be able to answer these

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