The Crucible Short Story Ideas

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Don't take stuff for granted, it might all be gone. One ordinary day a nice, brown haired girl named Sophia lost everything. Sophia and her husband live in Hawaii and Sophia is seven months pregnant.One day Sophia and her husband Justin, were watching tv when all of a sudden water came gushing towards them. They started to swim as fast as they could with rescue boats flying past them and when Sophia came up she could not find Justin. She had realized there had been a tsunomi. Sophia yells '' Justin Justin Justin'' Taylor is saying to Sophia ''its ok he will be alright''. Sophia and her friend Taylor get to safety by sitting on a huge log. Sophia had been feeling very sick for the past week, so she and Taylor decided to head into …show more content…

Sophia decides that she is going to go out and ask everyone if they have seen a blond haired man with blue eyes he is tall and his name is Justin. As we all know that is not enough information there are thousands of people that are missing. As the day goes on Sophia is really starting to worry, she is thinking of all their good memories and she does not want her little girl growing up without her dad. There has been someone saying to Sophia ''I'm ok and I love you'' over and over but she does not know who it is. She does not think it is Justin because he lost his phone in the …show more content…

When the baby comes she is very healthy and Sophia and Justin are I love with her. Sophia is talking to Justin and she is asking him where he has been and he said he has been texting her that he is ok. When Sophia and the baby get to go home Sophia is worried because they have no place to stay until, Justin is taking them to a place Sophia has no idea where it is until she sees a big and pretty house and Justin yells ''HOME''!!! They get settled in and the baby's room is set up and it is all perfect and that's where Justin has been all this time. Sophia was a little mad about Justin because he had no idea where he was. Addilynn is as cute as a

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