Lithium Lab Report

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It is a hot day in a metal shop in Utah. The metal shop holds lots of metals such as Titanium, Steel, Aluminum, Copper, Iron, And Lithium. Lithium is a shiny, silver colored, soft metal. All of the other metals make fun of the little chunk of Lithium because they think that he is to soft to be a metal and that he can’t be used for anything. They don’t even think he qualifies to be a metal. Lithium has been taking this baloney for about a year now and he cries tears about it every night. He doesn’t even know what he is used for. And he is starting to think that he isn’t used for anything. But then one day somebody comes into the store and says to the store manager that there is no more depression medecon and that they need to make more medecon quick. Then the Store manager walks the customer over to the chunk of lithium and the customer says that is just what he needs. In an instant the piece of lithium is bought and in a box in the person's car. At this point the piece of He then sets him down on a table and the scientists start observing him. He then gets cut in half and one of his halfs gets cut up into little pieces and is spread into lots of groups. He then sees his half get mixed together with more ingredients and finds out that it is being made into depression pills. He then gets put on a cart and is moved to a shop at the front of a lab. He begins to feel sad again because he feels that his ride is over and that he is just going to just be looking at cars go by the highway and stay on this tray for the rest of his life. He then sees a nice sports car drive in the parking lot and sees a man exit the car wearing a nice black suit. The man enters the store and picks up the piece of lithium and goes to pay the cashier for the piece of lithium. He then starts getting excited again and prepares for another

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