Linda Siegel Sparknotes

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Not Stupid, Not Lazy Understanding Dyslexia and Other Learning Disabilities

Linda Siegel, published by International Dyslexia Association, 40 York Road, 4th Floor Baltimore, Maryland, provides an insight into living with dyslexia. Siegel provides practical guidance for teachers, parents, and educators to aid their students in their learning. The book answers many questions about dyslexia, how dyslexia affects peoples’ lives, and people cope with dyslexia. The author Linda Siegel is a Professor Emerita from the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology and Special Education at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.

Throughout the first section of the book, Siegel illustrates how dyslexia and other learning disabilities differ from person to person utilizing Historical figures we relate with. Additionally, debunking common myths about dyslexia and that Albert Einstein could not have dyslexia. Students with dyslexia and other learning disabilities often possess talents with art, music, or another creative outlet. Allowing students’ opportunities to excel at their hidden talent allows students to maintain self-esteem throughout their education. A misconception about students who possess extraordinary talents is that they cannot have a learning disability. However, the opposite is true. …show more content…

Siegel exemplifies I.Q. scores are irrelevant in diagnosing learning disabilities. I.Q. scores provide a misconstrued illustration of a student’s ability to read and comprehend what he/she is reading. Educators who rely on I.Q. scores to diagnose students will misdiagnose students with dyslexia and other learning disabilities since they will have average or above average I.Q.

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