Learning Disabilities

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Learning Disabilities

When a child doesn’t seem to be learning, some teachers and parents in his/her life might criticize the child and think of them as stupid, or maybe just too lazy to want to learn. What they don’t realize is that the child might have a learning disability. But how are these children being helped? There are many programs, special schools and facilities, home teaching methods and many other ways in which children with Learning Disabilities are being helped.

There are many different types of learning disabilities; the most common ones are dyslexia and attention deficit disorder. (Jerome Rosner. –third ed. 1)

Dyslexia is a disorder in which someone has difficulty reading, which is not caused from a physical handicap, or emotional disorder. Many people with dyslexia have bad handwriting and have a tendency to read letters backwards. Those who have a high or even normal IQ, but have a reading level lower than it is supposed to be, may have dyslexia. They might need to have a better form of being taught. (http://www.cdipage.com)

A child should first be tested with a comprehensive neurodevelop–mental exam before assuming that he/she has dyslexia or any other learning disability. According to the web page where this information was learned from, reading problems are mainly caused by ineffective reading instruction, auditory perception difficulties, vision perception difficulties, and language processing difficulties. Studies show that the best way to teach any child how to read, whether he/she has dyslexia or any other learning disabilities or not, is using Phonics. (http://www.cdipage.com/dyslexia.htm)

“I have been recommending the Phonics Game to children, teens and adults who have been diagnosed with dyslexia for over ten years. All of those who I re-tested after using this program were reading at or above grade level.” (Robert Myers, Ph.D. –Clinical Psychologist)

Attention Deficit Disorder is a syndrome that is characterized by serious and persistent difficulties in three specific areas. These areas are attention span, impulse control, and sometimes hyperactivity.

Attention Deficit Disorder is a chronic disorder which can begin in infancy and can extend throughout adulthood while having negative effects on a child's life at home, school, and within the child’s community. The term Attention Deficit Dis...

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...llows them to learn more, they will become a lot more focused in what they are being taught. Studies show that 90 percent of hyperactive children may be helped by these medications. (www.helioshealth.com)

In conclusion, children with Learning Disabilities are being helped in many ways, whether it is from a special school, special programs that help, medications, or simply from home by parents or a special tutor. As we learned, the three methods of helping these children, remediating, compensating, and just waiting, does a great amount of help when it comes to ways of coping with learning disabilities. The medications can also be very useful. The main thing, though, for the help for these children would probably be the support of the parents, teachers, and loved ones. Without that, the child might just lose all, if any, self-esteem and consider him/herself as “slow”, “stupid”, “retarded”, when in fact he/she might just need a little help in being taught and not actually be one of those given “names”. If more people would decide to help, there might be a chance that learning disabilities would not be considered as something bad, and, perhaps, become history. You never know.

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