Leadership Neutralizers

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There has never been a situation where I experienced neutralizer variables which made it impossible for leaders to influence the outcome of principles. Neutralizers do not directly connect with principles, instead it serves to reduce, block or cancel the outcomes of leadership relationships, which in turn can hinder a leader’s ability to act in a specific way.
The facet of a situation that calls for substitutes for leadership involves variables that make leadership impossible or unnecessary. In some instances, a situation will consist of both substitutes and neutralizers at the same time. According to Kerr and Jermier, substitute for leadership propose that under some situations situational factor may substitute for leadership (Nahavandi, 2015, p. 80). …show more content…

81). An example of how my organization identifies with leadership neutralizers would be: physical distance. We are headquartered in a different state. Communication between leadership and subordinates is conducted daily remotely, using virtual communications. A bewildering problem in leadership could be difficulty in differentiating some leadership effects from other behavioral influences, within the made-up team, taking place within the organization. “Team-member ability, experience, training, and knowledge can influence NPD results; this makes sense in virtual NPD teams, because the complex nature of the work requires more education, experience, creativity, and skill of the team members, which may reduce the leadership needed” (David Strang, 2011, p. 75). At times because of the distance, there is a perception that leadership not competent enough or sufficient to handle issues and may have a lesser impact of guidance for concerns. It has been

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