Know The Difference Between Being Kind And Being A Pushover

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There is a difference in being kind and being a pushover. Being a pushover is always being kind, even if the person you are dealing with is being cruel to you. The successful people are people that know the difference between the two. Judge Bloodworth is perceptive because he can tell the difference between the two and act upon it.
The crowd of people sit in the courtroom with long pants and jackets on waiting for their turn to approach the Judge. Most of them are fidgeting in their seats with the thought of going up to the front of the room, where a curly haired man sits with his long black robes on. An elderly approaches the Judge as his name is called. They begin to discuss the elderly man’s reason for getting a ticket. He passed a firetruck that was going forty-five on the highway. The truck had its light on, and though it only had one light on it, the firetruck was on its way to a fire. All the other firetrucks were at a parade, so this truck was the only one the fire department had left. The Judge explains in a soft voice that it is illegal to pass a fire truck while it has its lights on. The elderly man explains that he understood this, but didn’t realize that the truck only had the …show more content…

He approached the Judge with a smirk to plead on his speeding ticket. The arrogant man plead guilty and asked to get supervision on his ticket. Judge Bloodworth patiently explained that the man would have to go to traffic school. The man then decided that he wanted to have an attitude, and say that he didn’t need to go to traffic school. He said that the Judge should just give him supervision and let him get back to his job. Judge Bloodworth attempted to explain that he couldn’t do that, until the man continued to give him an attitude. The Judge decided that since the man wanted to be rude he didn’t need the supervision, and decided that he would just have to pay the fine in full. He continued the

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