Java Tiger Research Paper

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There are many animals that we have lost in our lifetime that we haven't even heard of or known it existed. Like any other animal the Java tiger is known to be the first tiger to go extinct. The Javan tiger lived in a lot of places when they weren't extinct. They lived in Java, Bail, Southern Asia, Eastern Turkey, and the eastern shore of Asia. All of the places the tiger is most in favor if are all warm climates and not cold. Even though the tiger has different opinions about the climate changes they were around long before we were.

The Java tigers had been around for a long time before we were. They were around in the 19th century and the chance of seeing a Java tiger out roaming around was really common at the time. There was only one group trying to save the tiger at the time and that was the Meru Betiri group that thought that this was their last chance of …show more content…

The Java tiger has short fur, darker orange fur, fewer stripes, and black spots in between the stripes.the Tigers also have sensitive behaviors about their habitats. They're very protective about their habitat and young. There also quick, quiet, and can jump 15ft in one leap. They don't climb trees, and there very good swimmers. Even though the tiger has many skills they still have to be prepared for the people and predators that are around.

The Java tiger is known to have a lot of animal predators that are in favor. The most common animals the tiger goes after is deer, moose, rabbits, birds, fish, bears, elk, Lynx, hares, pigs, cattle, and goats. The tiger is also known as to go after smaller predators if they can't find the ones in favor. The Java tigers can also get very big in size. The male Java tiger can get up to 500 pounds and 10ft long. As the female is much smaller as the male weighing 300 pounds and growing at exactly 8ft long. Even though they can get really big as male or female they can also be hunted by

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