Bengal Tigers

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Bengal tigers, also known as the Panthera tigris tigris has been classified by the (IUCN)- The International Union for Conservation of Nature, as one of the many subspecies that are vulnerable for extinction & is listed as endangered . These tigers are teetering on a tightrope of their existence. It has been stated that an approximation of 2000 still remains lingering in the wild. Fewer than 4,000 are left the in world either in the wild or held captive. About 7% of the tiger’s habitats remain , as they are continuing to be perished. This has taking a huge toll on not only for the tiger population but also the whole ecosystem itself; disturbing the ecological balance as it puts other species at risk. The extinction of Bengals will lead to a decline in natural resources, climate change, co-extinction of other species. Despite the problem of Bengals vanishing off the face of earth, the federal government of India doesn't ceases to take any huge responsibility for this subspecies going into extinction. These majestic beasts are located in areas surrounding Bangladesh...

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