The Lion Research Paper

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They are many types of lion. Most people think Lions are one of the most dangerous or one of the scariest animals in the world. They is around 5 different types of big cats, and the lion is one of the biggest ones. It is involved with the genus Panthera and it is also a member of the family “Felidae.” Lions are one of the biggest living animals in the world. At their max weight they can be up to five hundred and fifty pounds. It's the second largest cat it the world, second behind only the tiger, which is the biggest. Lions used to be a large widespread land animal. In Africa, where they are commonly found, are where they normally breed and where most of them live. Their also found in western Europe and also into India in some places. …show more content…

Injuries from fighting could cause the lions to live a shorter life. They might die trying to get food for their family or trying to protect their family from some other animal that might hurt them. If these lions were to be held captive and if they were got taking care of on a daily basis they can life up to twenty years or maybe a little longer. Lions can be social. At times they may hide or feed on grasslands or also in savannas. They may also hide behind forest or even a bush. Female lions typically don't like to hunt alone, they usually go in packs so they can protect each other when something goes bad. They mostly prey on larger animals. Most lions scavenge and they fine up to 50% of their food just by doing this. Lions are somewhat nocturnal. They sleep mostly throughout the day and are awake and hunting through the night. They sometimes hunt even at twilight. Male lions can be one of the most vicious animals in the world. A lot of lions are found in zoos where they are visited by and protected at all times. A lot of people would be scared if they came up on one of these animals. They would probably try running from them but that is the worst thing you can do because they will attack you. They are very protective over their young ones. They would do anything to protect them. The tiger and the lion also mostly have the same skull and body type. They are also white lions that

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