Importance Of Credibility Essay

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Effective public speaking convinces the audience and moves them to action because they are persuaded to believe the information or reasons given. Hence, credibility is an essential ingredient for anyone who stands up in front of an audience.

Use Specifics For Credibility

Use specifics rather than generalities.

When referring to an incident, provide the date, names, places, figures. Although the audience may not remember these details, the fact you mention them adds real weight to your message.

The audience is far more likely to believe a speaker that has obviously carefully researched his subject.

Ensure Accuracy of Statements

Ensure what you are saying is accurate. Use reliable sources when doing research. Do not be taken in by sensational
It is rare that 'everyone' is doing such and such a thing, or that so and so 'always' does this or that. Better to tone down the level by using words such as "some, usually, often, infrequently, probably, many, in some cases." These words don't overstate matters or raise serious questions about your credibility.

Eliminate Meaningless Words

Avoiding meaningless words and phrases to 'fill' gaps or thinking time as you put a thought together will greatly contribute to effective public speaking.

Using expressions such as 'and-uh' through your presentation, or regularly tacking 'you know' on the end of most of your sentences can irritate an audience.

Avoid Irrelevant Material

Avoid the danger of irrelevant material.

You may come across an interesting fact or anecdote and because you like it you try to force it into your presentation. Unless it directly relates to the subject and is serving the purpose of elaborating on or enhancing a main point, throw it out.

Your presentation will lose focus if you include items that are not relevant. Keep it on the back burner for another time when you might use it in a more appropriate context in a different

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