Chapter 8 Of 'A Concise Public Speaking Handbook'

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Speech Reading Response Chapters 8-10 Chapter eight of “A Concise Public Speaking Handbook”, is about how to develop one’s speech. Selecting a topic to speak about is the first step to developing one’s speech. Analyzing the audience will help the speaker choose which topic to speak on and how to present the topic to them. The speaker also needs to have purpose for speaking on the topic in order to develop their speech. This is because having purpose for speaking on the topic will help the speaker organize how they’re going to speak their topic and convey their message to the audience. Knowing the purpose for the speech will help create and clarify the central idea and main ideas of the spoken topic to the audience. When I have presented in the past, I have tried to state my purpose and central idea on what I was speaking on to the audience. By knowing my purpose and central idea about the topic I was speaking on, it has helped me a lot with being able to …show more content…

One of the best ways to support a speech is to use illustrations and other visual sources. This is a great way to support a speech because when the audience can see a visual of the concept that the speaker is talking about, the audience will have a deeper understanding on the topic. Describing and explaining concepts is another great way to support a speech. Having concepts described and explained to the audience will help clarify meaning and create less confusion. Using other people’s opinions is another useful way to support a speech. This is because if an audience hears other people’s opinions on the spoken concept, there will be a much greater impact and the audience will be more likely to remember the speech. For me, I will generally use illustrations as my supporting material. I use illustrations because I believe that having a visual while describing a concept will help the audience retain more

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