Establishing Credibility In Public Speaking

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Establishing Credibility Credibility is the quality of being convincing or believable. Ethos is the name used by Aristotle for what modern scholars of communication refer to as credibility (Lucas). Many things can have an effect on any speaker’s credibility, his attraction to the audience and his social skills, Competence which means the audience regards to his intelligence and knowledge of the subject, and his character which also means the audience regards to his speaker’s sincerity for the wellbeing of the mass. I chose this process of public speaking because it’s a vital component to ever decision we make every day, it’s also important to me because, I have been known to my peer for my great precedent when it comes my personal credibility, which at all costs I try to keep that precedent clean. Being a credible person gave me the opportunity to advance at workplace. By the always telling the truth I have gained the trust of my managers, which led to getting a promotion. Being honest and truthful has made me live a life without any fears that one day my lies will be discovered, and my reputation will get tarnished. This course has helped me better understand that establishing credibility in public speaking is necessary to gain the audience’s trust, and reflect confidence and intelligence …show more content…

I chose this process of public speaking because it’s important to our connections to each other, it’s also important to me because Being a credible person gave me the opportunity to develop at work. Being honest and truthful has made me live a life without any doubts. This course has helped me better understand that establishing credibility in public speaking is necessary to gain the audience’s trust, and echo confidence and intelligence to people. This class is favorite class ever. I had so much fun coming to school Monday and Wednesday. I made so many friendships in that class. And for that I am forever

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