Ilm Field Application Analysis

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I am a quality candidate for the position because having fathomed throughout my years. As a struggling college student that employed 2 full time jobs in order to attend school, and support myself. Having had worked the majority of my life until becoming extremely ill, I learned life is nothing to take for granted. People condescend on the sick in society, thus take the sick for granted while kicking them to the curb. Overcome illnesses and obstacles one learns to accept challenges. Suffered numerously at one time, help me embrace unique situations. When a person is debilitated, and another is bedridden precipitating unemployment, and funds depleted only to find oneself trying to rear 4 kids, home school one while staying in the …show more content…

Volunteered as a peer counselor in college, served as V.P. community service with Golden Key National Honor Society,then continued charity work at various places, taught Religious Education for 7 years, and teach Religious Education currently. In the past served as Chapter Chair for Dallas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering(D.A.M.E.) and learned why the STEM field is important. Volunteered at the library and served as P.T.S.A. president where friendships and bonds were made were many people, noticed struggles of students, teachers and parents. Assisted students applying for scholarships, and advised applications for colleges, and the FAFSA. Also would tutor high school students that were insufficient in courses. Increased the participation of students and teachers in both DAME and PTSA significantly. Tutored kindergarteners 3 years (some with special needs, or abilities)helping them master letters and numbers, read, write, and add. Volunteered in the library and with the elementary PTA. Employed as restaurant training manager for many years and learned to deal with adults of all ages and cultures, have excellent time management, done spreadsheets, put together presentations, learned human resource,

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