How Texting Is Affecting Our Generation

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Yes it’s convenient to connect with people in an instance. I can’t think of the numerous times I forgotten homework problems and texting has helped get them from a friend or even the teacher themselves. But businesses and parents both understand the art and science of texting is impacting our social and educational systems in ways we never could have imagined. Think about these ways text messaging is affecting our generation. Texting reduces the need for in-depth conversations. Have you texted people as a form of avoidance? A few abbreviated words keeps us meaningful dialogue and face-to-face communication. It also overtakes the importance of body language in everyday conversations. Imagine going into an elevator and on the way in there is a quirky individual that you’ll rather not speak to, but you’ll send back a polite smile as they stare you down. Soon after you’ll pull out your brand new iPhone 6s that your parents got you for …show more content…

Such as “Text Neck”, this useful piece of technology effects not just your neck, but your whole body. I’m pretty sure that you picked up an idea that looking at a computer the size of an index card is not the best thing for anyone. Especially if you notice eye dryness, eye strain and head and neck aches. Also can lead to many issues related to the back such as bad posture, which also leads to pinched nerves slipped disks and you becoming a texting slouch. Texting can shorten your life expectancy. Yes you can literally text your life away. The way the this happens is with the hunch in your back while you are texting puts pressure on our internal organs; for instance due to the pressure we cannot get a full breath from our lungs. Texting can lead to a permanently rounded back which would lead in physical dysfunctions later in life. So even though that you are careful while not texting and driving or while crossing the road, texting still can find a way to kill

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