Texting And Driving Essay

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Texting is a way of quick communication when face to face interaction is not available. It is a great way to communicate to loved ones around the world. You can communicate with multiple people at one time. It is used for much more than phone calls because of its convenience. They can be sent anytime and anywhere on the go and anywhere where you might not be able to talk loud. You can interact with people at your own speed. With all these benefits texting should be ok, but because of its popularity, there are more accidents because of texting and driving, no face to face interaction skills and health problems. Society is focusing more on their smartphones than important things like driving, face to face communicating, writing and speaking well. It’s like an addiction that can affect one physically, emotionally and socially. “The average person spends 4 years of life looking at a cellphone. Society claims that this advancement in technology should have connected us, but the connection has gotten worse. Some would say this is a generation of media overstimulation; chats are reduced to snaps, news 140 characters, and videos are 6 seconds at high speed. In the cause of this the attention span of an adult is one …show more content…

People text and drive for its convenience of getting and receiving information fast, but during that split second, an accident can occur. To text and drive one is breaking two of the main rules used to get a license: that is both hands on the wheel and keeping eyes on the road. To the world texting and driving is consider cool and a form of multitasking, but in all actuality it’s not multitasking. The brain isn’t able to do two things at a time in a fast pace. Driving and texting both require full attention and the brain cannot function properly doing them both simultaneously. As it is harmful to the brain it is also harmful to the body when

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