TED Talk: Texting Is Killing Language

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Language is a form of verbal communication via words and its pronunciation that is used and comprehended by various people of the same nation, culture, or geographical background. It has been said to be dated back as far as one thousand years ago before writing. Like culture, language is passed on through the process of enculturation. Meaning that it is something that is learned (Kottak, 101). In the video, “TED TALK: Texting is killing language,” Ted starts off the video by saying that “The idea is that texting spells the decline and fall of any kind of serious literacy, or at least writing ability, among young people in the United States and now the whole world today (Ted, 2013). Throughout the film discussion, what stuck out to me the most was how drastic language has changed via technology. …show more content…

With the constant use of various forms of technology, communication via texting has become a very popular leisure activity for people all over the world. While texting, an individual automatically utilize different symbols and shorthand words to save time and space. For example, when texting, one is given a certain amount of characters that they can use within the message. To save space, the individual would use words such as “u” to replace the word you, “btw” for by the way, and “c u l8r” to refrain from writing out see you later. The problem with using shorthand words to text evokes grammar issues and not being able to transition smoothly from texting a friend and writing a paper for an English

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