How Music Affected My Life

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When I decided to join the band in sixth grade, I never knew that learning a musical instrument could be beneficial for me in more ways than I might have expected. All I knew is that I wanted music in my life, I wanted to be in the band. My mom says, that I did not choose the tuba, the tuba chose me. I have chosen the guitar and several other instruments. I also chose the genre of music that most inspires me, but it all started with the tuba. Music has affected my life in several different ways, positive and upbeat, but also in a mellow and emotional way. My grades struggled some when I first joined the band. Mr. Weir, my sixth grade band director, expected a lot from his students. To give you an idea, at the sixth and seventh …show more content…

Based on my experience of having played an instrument throughout middle school I would agree with these findings.
Middle school was also when I decided I wanted to learn other instruments and found classic rock. While Mr. Weir taught me the tuba, I taught myself the electric guitar. My motivation into playing the guitar was the inspiring band, Metallica. It made me so happy when I went home, picked up the guitar, and started jamming out. Nevertheless, I also knew that I was expected to get my homework done first, so it inspired me to work hard so I could get back to music.
Playing an instrument and performing music are not the only ways music has affected my life. I also get inspired when listening to music. For example, when I have to do chores it sure seems to make time move by way faster if I am rocking out to my extensive playlist while doing the dishes. Similarly, I find that when I’m running, music helps me to run longer distances without feeling as

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