Josh Clark Music Therapy

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After great practice, Josh Clark learned to spell his last name. This may not seem like a grand accomplishment, but for Josh, it is. Josh has down syndrome. He attends weekly music therapy sessions and his parents are seeing great progress. Mother said, “Within a week, he learned how to spell ‘Clark’. Without music therapy, it would have taken several weeks or several months. So how does music help Josh to learn at a faster rate than without music? Josh’s music therapist knew that Josh was accustomed with the song “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,” so she used that to help him learn. Josh listened to her sing each letter of his last name to the familiar tune. His mom thinks, “Music therapy helps him to focus. He loves it. He’s always loved music.” …show more content…

However, when she is visited by the music therapist and sings "You are my Sunshine," her words are clearly understood. Her singing has recognizable pitch and melody, and she sings with emotional expression. Her face brightens, and she makes eye contact with the therapist. Rose also enjoys participating in group music therapy. The members of her drum circle group have learned how to start and stop together, to change their playing from loud to soft and to play a variety of rhythmic patterns. They stay seated and pay attention to the therapist’s directions for the entire thirty-minute session. The nursing staff on the unit has noticed that for several hours following the group, those who have participated seem to have a better mood, are less agitated and more relaxed” (AMTA …show more content…

This therapy has been around for years, but is developing into a more advanced form of therapy. Music is an important part of many societies and with it being involved in therapy, it is becoming even more important. Song and dance have been a large part of lives and it influences who a person becomes. When you are able to connect with a song, it has healing power. It helps you get through times of need and celebrate times of joy. When someone connects to the lyrics of a song, they know they are not alone. Lyrics, rhythms, harmonies, and melodies provide comfort and perhaps that is why it is one of the best forms of therapy. Because music has been proven to help so many people in hard times, it only makes sense for hospitals and other places of care are adopting this

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