Personal Narrative: How Music Changed My Life

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Music is one of the most fantastical forms of entertainment. Its history stretches all the way from the primitive polyrhythmic drums in Africa to our modern day pop music we listen to on our phones. It has the ability to amaze us, to capture our attention and leave us in awe. It soothes the hearts of billions, and it is so deeply rooted in my life that it has touched my heart as well. Everyday I walk to the beat of the song stuck in my head and hum along to the melody. For me, to listen to music be lifted into the air by the hands of your imagination and float around for a while. You forget about your worries, your troubles and find peace within the sound. Every chapter in my life is attached with a song. Every time I listen to a certain song, thoughts of my past come flooding back …show more content…

Frightened by such ghastly thoughts, I forced myself to stop thinking them. I considered the options, and knew that there was no option to quit. I took my life into my hands and went back to my tedious work. That day is one of great significance for that is when I realized I truly held the power to change my life - for better or for worse. I wonder if that day changed me - forged me into the person that I am today. I’m not quite sure if it changed me, but I am sure it changed something. After that day, whenever I listen to those lighthearted songs of Billy Joel, they just don’t feel the same. Other things in my life changed as well. I started to care about school, and developed a love for learning. My grades reflected this, and soon I began to like school again. I became cheerful and jubilant in my own ways. I was still under the clutches of my computer addiction, but things were looking up. I made some new friends in my class, and was generally a nicer person. I started listening to the same songs I always have, but at the same time branched out to different genres. I became a better person both in and out of my

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