How Does Joe Clark Help Students

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Joe Clark helps the students be successful in their education by using extreme measures, by inspiring them and by giving them a safe learning environment. Joe uses extreme tactics to help the students to learn. Joe starts off his first day by expelling all of the drug dealers and users without the consent of the board of education. This shows that joe will go to any means for his school to succeed in their testing. Joe wants to make sure his kids don't go off the rails with drugs and bad influences. Secondly, joe would suspend students who did not know the school song. Joe wanted to build some school spirit within his students. Joe also says he will suspend them to offer up motivation for the students. Finally, Joe makes his staff stay on sundays for the same pay to help the students learn. Joe makes his teachers give up their personal lives to help his students succeed. Also this causes some of the teachers to dislike Joe.
Joe inspires his students with well planned out speeches that brings a blazing spirit to life. …show more content…

Joe is not messing around when it comes to his students education. Secondly, Joe inspires the teachers to work with the students harder and longer even getting to stay on saturdays. Joe does this by provoking their emotions showing them where their students will end up if they fail them as teachers. Joe also get them to help out with setting up valuable tutoring sessions. Finally, Joe gives his students a final push before their exam to ensure they do well. Joe does this by saying the people outside have already given up on them and said they have no future. Joe also gives them positive reinforcement by countering everything that the people outside had

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