The Ron Clark Story: Triumphant

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In high school, my favorite class was Early Childhood Education. In this class, we watched a movie that inspired me to teach children, and give them hope. That movie was called Triumphant and was based on a true story about a teacher named Ron Clark. This movie taught me about class room diversity and to respect and nurture the differences in children to help the reach their full potential.
In the late 1990’s Ron Clark left his hometown elementary school in North Carolina where he is praised for his remarkable teaching and high test scores to teach in Harlem city. Mr. Clark was living in New York for only a few months before he came up on a school where a there was a tussle between two sixth grade students and administration. During this tussle the teacher of the two students quit his job and Mr. Clark asked to take that teachers job and got it. Prior the starting Mr. Clark met with the parents of the children to learn about what their hopes and ambitions are for his children. He was disappointed to learn that the parents of the children didn’t have much faith nor hope for their chil...

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