Personal Narrative: My Experience At Worldview Academy

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One year, I tagged along with my parents when they drove my brother and sister to Worldview Academy. Unfortunately, I forgot about the incident. That all changed, though, when I found myself enrolled at the same academy my siblings had previously attended. Since then, I have returned three times and this year served as my third and final “term”. After my enrollment, I concluded that I had discovered an anomaly, for I had never found myself more comfortable in a crowd of perfect strangers, nor so intrigued with academic subjects or experienced such an exhilarating time evangelizing as I had at the academy. Even as an, extrovert I have felt uncomfortable in the presence of strangers, but Worldview created a unique environment that made social adaption unnecessary. For example, arriving students usually found themselves mobbed by enthusiastic red-shirted staffers, who would welcome them and transport their luggage to the appropriate dorms. Sadly, I missed this “aggressive” reception having arrived a full hour earlier. In spite of …show more content…

Consequently, I enjoyed the lectures, which constituted for about twenty-six hours of the week. I learned about leadership and its five pillars (meekness, integrity, vision, attitude, and empowerment), apologetics, evangelism, world religions, and much more. Five different lecturers spoke, and each one appeared to have specialized in one of the three modes of persuasion. Randy Sims appealed to the ethos, while Dell Cook pleaded with the pathos, and Andy Frye and August Huckabee presented the logos. Last but not least, Chris Sharp simultaneously lectured with all three in mind. By the end of each day, my brain would fatigue because of the mental effort required to track with and absorb all of the information, but I loved the feeling. Doubtless, all of the lessons intrigued, convicted, and encouraged me like nothing I had every experience

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