How Did Galileo Contribute To Science

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Science is an effort developed by human beings to discover, explore and apprehend the different aspects of life. For centuries, humans relied on the sky as a guide for many things such as sailing the oceans, planting crops and the answer for questions regarding our very own existence. It is evident in human history that curiosity continues to compel many individuals, such as Galileo Galilei to investigate facts and create hypothesis to help foster an understanding. Individuals like Galileo that choose the path of discovery often have a mindset that was advanced for their time which resulted in criticism from peers due to the lack of understanding behind the theory.

During the era of the scientific revolution, the study of astronomy grew profoundly. …show more content…

He set an example of how to conduct science in a prolific way. Astronomy has taken hundreds of years to develop over time, with the contributions of many astronomers such as Galileo, the essence of time, and use of navigation continues to develop and the understanding of our cosmos remains to further progress. Astronomers like Galileo have put forth their ground-breaking research and theories that greatly impact the progressions in Astronomy and the overall advances in science which continue to shape our discoveries in modern day. Galileo provided numerous contributions to Astronomy, the first being the discovery of the moon’s surface. It had appeared to have more dimension and was more mountainous than flat, and seen to orbit around the earth and maintain its speed. Subsequently, Galileo is the first astronomer to spot the moons of Jupiter. These discoveries became the building-blocks for other astronomers and scientist in general. Galileo was passionate about his findings, he defended the Copernican model and believed it should be adapted by society. He supported the idea of separating science and faith. Granting Galileo’s contribution to science and astronomy in particular, may not be seen as perceptible, he is still seen as a pioneer figure who opened doors for scientist in areas such as observing, experimentation, and the scientific method. Since Galileo was particularly found of physics, he conducted an experiment which challenged the work and research of Aristotle who claimed that objects with different weights fall at the same rate. All in all, due to the many augmentation to science, mathematic and physics have been increasingly integrated and now play an essential role. Science has become fact based and processes can be checked every step of the way. The exploration and challenges to grow and aid in the modern advancements and discoveries found

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