Essay On The Scientific Revolution

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The Scientific Revolution was a controversial and revolutionary era of improvement and changes that transformed peoples’ views of science and ways of thinking. It was an emergence of modern science during the late 18th century, which was contributed to by scientists such as Copernicus and Galileo. Society was still heavily dominated and influenced by religion at the time, so people had trouble adjusting to the newfound facts. Developments in math and sciences wouldn’t have been able to transform views of society and nature without sparking controversies with the Church. The Church censored Copernicus and Galileo's theories not only because it threatened the traditional view of the world, but also because there was a personal conflict between Galileo and the Church.
The Scientific Revolution occurred during the 16th and 17th centuries. The thinkers of this era excluded authorities and affirmed their abilities to understand and investigate the natural world through mathematical reasoning, direct observation, and controlled experiments. There were advancements in astronomy, chemistry, biology, medicine, physics, and mathematics. It replaced the medieval views of the universe, which was a mix of the theories of two ancient Greek thinkers, Aristotle and Ptolemy, and Christian teachings. In this view, it was believed that the world as they knew it was geocentric, that everything revolved around the earth, and that the universe was divided into a lower, earthly realm, and a higher, celestial realm. The alteration, and inevitably, the destruction of this medieval view of the world began with the work of Copernicus, and later on, was followed up by the work of Galileo.
Nicolaus Copernicus, a Polish mathematician, astronomer, and clergyman,...

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... return to Florence under house arrest, where his movements were restricted and was continually watched.
Humbled at last by his enemies, the father of modern science wasn’t wholly subdued. His discoveries impacted the world as we see it. Without his sacrifice and motive to fight for what he believed in, we wouldn’t be as advanced as we are today in modern science. Although society advanced by increased knowledge, having more scientific answers, and increased new developments because of the freedom to deviate from established theories, there were some negative effects. Society had lost their innocence and belief in their traditional faith. Galileo’s battle against the Church was worthwhile for generations to come. Without his inventions, theories, or introduction to the concept of theory experimenting, the world of modern science wouldn’t exist as we know it today.

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