How Did Elvis Presley Influence The Fashion Of The 50's

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Throughout the world of men’s fashion in the 50’s, a few men rose above social normalities and created a style everyone man wanted to follow. One of these men was Elvis Presley who was highly regarded in the music industry for his unique style. This originality carried through to his fashion choices with an obvious distaste of adhering to social standards. Elvis wore whatever pleased him; this included bright colours, patterns, large belts and even wearing his favourite colour of pink. Another key icon in men’s fashion was James dean. His simplistic yet edgy style became the ‘cool’ thing. His bad boy persona made the girls heart melt, making men all across the world try to achieve his look. Coming out of the war, conformity was a major fashion rule throughout men with miserable and restrictive fashion choices on offer. There was also not many options like today when it came to buying clothes. When a man was at work, it was only socially acceptable for his to wear a suit in the shade of either charcoal, dark blue or brown. The suit had to be nicely fitted …show more content…

Clothing also began to change dramatically; people began to rebel against societies ideas on what is appropriate making a revelation in variety of clothing men could choose from. Patterns such as checks, stripes and argyle also became widely used by fashion designers. Along with new patterns, colours also began to make an appearance with pastel colours also being used. Around the same time, a ‘pink rage’ took effect. This involved men wearing pink in their outfit through the form of tops and ties to help break gender stereotypes, which was a big issue at the time. Boys were expected to be strong, silent and assertive opposed to women who were portrayed as weak and emotional. They also expected women to be the least intelligent of the couple to help make the male feel smarter and more

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