1920s Flappers Essay

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Fashion is always changing now days. Each day a new trend is popular based on society consensus. Today there is not much said about fashion and what certain genders should be wearing. There are so many different styles that it does not have a big impact on gender roles within society. But during the 1920s, which was the most dramatic and influential fashion decade, fashion promoted independence for women from the stereotypical Edwardian and Victorian Era women. Women known as flappers helped carry this influential decade to where it is today. Flappers challenged society roles and fashion for women which caused many disputes among older generations and more conservative women of that era. The birth of the 1920s flapper created not only dramatic …show more content…

But what most people do not realize is that flappers are a form of independence and modernization for women. Flappers challenged the status quo and helped break the chain of traditional gender roles for women (shmoop.com). The birth of the flapper is not accredited to only one event but many events combine such as; the changing attitudes about morality and judgement and the new nightlife scene (ndhs.org). The first event was World War I; which is the starting baseline for the creation of a flapper (ndhs.org). World War I caused great question to arise within society about morality and judgement of traditional behaviors and changed the attitudes of many (ndhs.org). Before the war women were looked at as “guardians of morality” as Frederick Lewis Allen said which meant that women stuck to the traditional gender roles and avoided sexual behavior (ndhs.org). But as people started to question morality and judgement of traditional behaviors, social changes started to occur which helped flappers to rise. Social changes toward dating, sex and marriage, and fashion were the major points that evolved the new modernized women, the flapper (ndhs.org). These women started to party more and drink more and even dressed differently and more “provocatively”. Lastly, the new nightlife scene helped cause the creation of the flapper. Prohibition

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